
This page demonstrates how to create scrollboxes for your website or blog.

Scrollboxes are boxes that contains scrollbars. More specifically, the box usually contains text or other content that is too large to fit within the actual box (or container). The scrollbars allow the user to scroll down (or across) in order to view the full contents of the box.

So, what exactly is this "box". Usually, a scrollbox is just an HTML <div> element. Technically, an HTML textbox could also be called a scrollbox because it contains scrollbars. However, for now, we'll concentrate on using the <div> tag to create our scrollboxes.

Basic Scrollbox

Here's an example of a basic HTML scrollbox:

Source CodeResult
This 'div' element uses 'overflow:scroll' to create scrollbars whenever the contents of the 'div' become too large.

Here's more about HTML scrollboxes.

Scrollbox Color

You can change the color of your scrollboxes, their contents, and their scrollbars. Like this:

Source CodeResult
This 'div' element uses 'overflow:scroll' to create scrollbars whenever the contents of the 'div' become too large.

Here's more about scrollbox color.

Scrollbox Border

You can change the color, style, and width of your scrollbox borders using the CSS border property. Example:

Source CodeResult
This 'div' element uses 'overflow:scroll' to create scrollbars whenever the contents of the 'div' become too large.

Here's more about scrollbox borders.

About was created in order to provide HTML tools, codes, tutorials, and other resources to help webmasters create and maintain their HTML documents. aims primarily at beginners, but may also be useful to web professionals.

About the HTML Codes

The HTML codes on this website are provided free of charge, for you to use however you wish. Feel free to modify the code to suit your own needs.

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