HTML Reference

This is the HTML reference section of the website. This section can be used to look up quick facts/information about HTML related topics. You can also quickly copy and paste HTML code where applicable.

Find out about HTML symbols and HTML special characters (also known as HTML entities).

HTML Special Characters

Full list of special characters.

Special characters are typically those that can't be easily typed into a keyboard or may cause display issues if typed or pasted into a web page.

Greek Characters

You can use the codes listed here to display greek characters within your website or other HTML document.

HTML Symbols

List of symbols that need special coding in HTML. Includes mathematical symbols and general purpose symbols.

ISO 8859-1 Characters

These are the ISO 8859-1 characters and symbols that need special coding when added to any HTML document.

ISO Language Codes

Specify the language of an HTML document using these ISO language codes.


About was created in order to provide HTML tools, codes, tutorials, and other resources to help webmasters create and maintain their HTML documents. aims primarily at beginners, but may also be useful to web professionals.

About the HTML Codes

The HTML codes on this website are provided free of charge, for you to use however you wish. Feel free to modify the code to suit your own needs.

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